antipose project [2022 - 2023] |
This project aims to offer an intersection of two different and maybe un-relatable ideas- other than through art- such as Non-place, an idea proposed by Marc Auge and the concept of space-time as proposed by Einstein. Following this line of reasoning, a different idea is now proposed: antipose; the complete absence of the mis-en-scene in a studio setting. The pose and the antipose present a similar relationship between the anthropological place vs. the non-place and as linear time vs. relative time. If it is human nature to instinctually pose when faced by a camera, or by an audience even, how can we possibly photograph the antipose if the process itself requires a camera? The purpose of this project is to achieve, in studio, something that is completely devoid of the mis-en-scene. In short, to create something that you are not creating. After experimenting with different approaches to capture the antipose in studio, something that pleased the expectation was achieved through and the first phase was acheived through 1)isolating the photographer from the model, 2) having both react to the same sound (music, sounds or audiobook clips) and 3) the artifice of multiple flash bursts on the same sheet of 4x5 black and white film. The invited model was placed on a black backdrop. Between the model and the photographer, a black curtain with a hole big enough for the lens to peep through. The studio is completely dark. The model’s only instructions is to react, in any way they choose, to a sound or a song that they have selected. For the second phase, the audio que was removed and the models were asked to sit on a stool and wait. The actual shoot time was extended to 45 minutes where the model was kept in the dark and like the first phase, would not know when the flash burts would happen. The third phase involved the introduction of a slight disconfort where the models were asked to hold a particular position and not mvoe for 5 minutes. Markers were placed on the field of view indicating the impossibility of holding the pose for any time. Throughout the process, the photographer has control over the camera and the flash heads, allowing the triggered flash to show or not on the film. The model does not know when the flash will burst and whether the bursts will be allowed to be registered on film or not. Moreover, the photographer does not know what is happening inside the curtain and what exactly is being captured. It is an experiment that will only be revealed to both model and photographer after the film is processed. This project is still in the shooting phase and therefore only two of the photographs are made available for viewing at the moment.
antipose i | |
antipose ii |